Has this ever happened to you? You get home from work on a Friday night after a long week at the office. You’ve been working on a tough project for a client and you’re ready to relax for a few days. However, this weekend will be different from most because tomorrow is your birthday. You haven’t made any real plans, but you’re looking forward to going out to dinner with your family. You sit down to check your email before you start dinner, as you do every night. Today there’s something special waiting in your inbox. It’s a birthday greeting from a local restaurant. You can’t help but smile. It feels nice to have a business recognize you on your birthday. In fact, it feels so nice that maybe you’ll suggest a birthday dinner at that restaurant for tomorrow night. Ah, the beauty of timely email marketing and automation. These personalized emails encourage customer loyalty. They work well because they arrive at just the right time. Whether it’s to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or even to mark the occasion of a purchasing date, being recognized for an event of any significance is a personal way for your company to connect with your customers. Customers are hyper-aware of the reputations and brands of their favorite companies. Sending personalized emails is a brilliant way to build upon your already stellar reputation for great prices and excellent customer service. The best part is you don’t need to keep track of important dates on a calendar, nor send out emails one-by-one. At Predictive Response, email marketing automation is integral to the products we offer. We’ll work with you to design your emails’ content. We’ll make sure your customers receive emails that arrive at just the right time. You’ll reap the benefits from customers who appreciate being appreciated! To discuss your business and how marketing automation can work for you, contact us today!
Email Marketing Automation Encourages Customer Loyalty
Creating Great Emails
March 19, 2013