Targeted Marketing Strategies

By |October 8th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

At Predictive Response we believe the primary goal of your marketing team should be to find the ideal customer (or donor) - so that you can design your product, pricing, and promotions to meet the needs of that customer. In the digital age, with the ability to collect large amounts of data and review analytics,

3 Tips to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization

By |October 2nd, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The importance of Search Engine Optimization continues to grow as marketers realize and studies show, that it is the most effective digital marketing strategy. As the importance of SEO grows, so does the complexity for implementing that strategy. Search Engine providers such as Google and Bing, continue to change and modify the criteria for rankings

Focus on Digital Marketing

By |September 21st, 2013|Tags: , , , , , |

A recent McKinsey report: Bullish on Digital shows that companies, across all industries, are making digital marketing and customer engagement a high strategic priority. This means that, increasingly, companies are creating branding and marketing materials meant to be shared online through social media, their website, as well as through email marketing. They are targeting and

Get to Know Your Target Market

By |September 12th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Any good marketer knows that the first and most important step in executing a successful marketing strategy - is defining your target customer. Unless you sell a commodity product like sugar or gasoline, your product or service is probably going to appeal to one group of consumers and not to others. Your target market's needs

Social Media – Choosing the Right Network

By |September 7th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , |

Social media has dramatically changed the way businesses market themselves. Many companies are benefiting from the connective power of this new technology. Other companies, even large and established corporations, are finding social media difficult to manage and control. If your company wants to benefit from power of social media, follow some of the tips in

Finding your Target Audience

By |September 2nd, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Finding Your CustomersFinding your ideal target market is vital to developing and maintaining a customer base that returns to your business again and again. With so many different people seeking solutions online for thousands of problems, large and small, you have a wide variety of markets to chose from. A good way to find a market

SEO Basics

By |August 19th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the mechanics of improving the visibility of your website or webpage in a search engine's results (like Google, Bing, or Yahoo!) through the "organic" efforts of your webmaster. SEO is called "organic" because, in contrast to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) where you pay a search engine for priority ranking, it