Integrate Zoom and Salesforce


An effortless, real-time Zoom Webinar to Salesforce integration.

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Instantly add your Zoom Webinar data into Salesforce

ZFusion adds your Zoom Webinar data to Salesforce in real time, so you can easily see who registered, who attended, and how long they stayed in your Zoom webinar.

Zoom and Salesforce Integration
Track your webinar details in Salesforce

ZFusion automatically creates a campaign for your webinars

Track your webinar details, registrants and attendance analytics in your Salesforce campaign where you can send timely communications to your registrants directly from Salesforce.

ZFusion coupled with our Predictive Marketing allows you to send mass emails from Salesforce to your registrants.

Integrate Zoom and Salesforce
Start Your Free Trial

Track registrants and attendees

ZFusion automatically adds registrant’s and attendee’s information into Salesforce including how long an attendee stayed on your webinar.

Track Zoom attendees in Salesforce
Zoom and Salesforce Reporting

Measure your Zoom Webinar success in Salesforce

With Zoom data synced into Salesforce, you can build powerful reports around your Zoom event, compare your webinar against previous webinars, and pinpoint your most engaged Zoom attendees.

ZFusion Pricing

Pricing depends on the number of Zoom registrants your organizations adds into Salesforce per year.




per month, billed annually




per month, billed annually




per month, billed annually




per month, billed annually
Starts at:


$25/month for each 1,000 syncs

Contact Us

  • Dashboard
  • Campaign creation
  • Campaign member creation
  • Tracks registrants and attendees
  • Tracks attendee check-in time
  • Tracks attendee leave time
  • Advanced registrant information
  • Tracks poll engagement and results
  • Tracks questions & answers
  • Tracks chat log