If your nonprofit has a decent list of email addresses, you have many opportunities for presenting a fundraising message. You also have opportunities to build your organization’s image and motivate subscribers to take various actions. This article offers a few tips for getting the most value out of an email list.
Assuming you think of fundraising as an ongoing effort that depends on building relationships with potential donors, then these five tips will help you raise more money:
- First, invest in ongoing efforts to build that email list. You can do that in many ways, online and on social media.
- Use multiple places on your Web site to ask visitors to subscribe. Consider putting a request “above the fold” on your home page, on each program or project page, and on your “About Us” page.
- Create a variety of email messages for different purposes – Welcome people to the cause, explain your programs or services, send event invitations and thank you messages. If the organization has plenty to share, consider starting a newsletter, invitations, thank you messages, program updates, and newsletters. Include a request for donations in at least the program updates, and newsletters.
- Tell a story, on your site and in your email messages. Explain why the organization was founded, why the current programs exist, and what is happening now.
- End an email message with a specific call to action. Ask readers to donate $20 now, or share this important message with their friends, or something else. End each message with a specific call.
Keep sharing interesting news, thanking your supporters, and encouraging people to join your mailing list. When the inevitable appeal for donations does come, many more readers will be likely to act.
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